Sunday, August 28, 2011

Munn Kids

5 Kids, warmer weather, kids being kids and adventurous! This is also a growing time for all of us. Two girls 11.5 years old!

Learning Disabilities are still there thus school, withadditional tutoring, lots of homework help, and teaching responsibility is helping us to take baby steps forward.

Maxwell received the Most Aggressive Player Award for his Footy team!

Our House

For over 4 years now we have been talking about adding on some rooms. Well, now is the time and our counsel says, “due to the price of wood on this side of the country and home renovations prices it is cheaper to tear down your 40 year old house and build a new one! What?! So where does a family of 7 live for a year? What?! Where do we put our stuff and our dog for a year? What?! Then the counsel says, “and only if you plan on living there for ten years and you will double your money!

Please please pray God gives us understanding as we have some major life & ministry issues to consider now, then just starting over.

Women’s Ministry

16-18 Sept. Women’s Retreat. Lori is organizing this weekend and nearly 90 women will be attending. This Weekend has the potential to be a huge blessing for so many families; as women retreat to hear the Lord speak and Husbands become full time fathers for the weekend. Please pray God breaks through everywhere He wants too. Pray for Lori as she has only 3 weeks to plan the menu, shop, organize, etc and that a team of ladies will rise up in most of these roles. Denise Glenn from will be the speaker for the weekend

Cookbook: Lori is organizing our first all church cookbook to be ready for our big celebration of our new church building on Nov. 5th.

Missions Ministry

With Matthew given leadership over the missions ministry, we are very excited to have helped break our 4 years plus of no new missionary partnerships. We are now investing in a mature couple to continue their work globally, and two young missionary families preparing for their first terms in Indonesia and Mozambique.

Community Impact

Last April, Matthew communicated to a parent who was leading the big anniversary fair fundraiser for one of our local primary schools, but telling her we would not do our annual Easter Funtastic this year and instead we want to support them in having a successful fundraiser. Since it was on a Sunday he only promised items like table, chairs, and advertising to our church family. Some in our church helped in various ways included adding to their bake sale and organizing a few booths. The school made $25,000. Matthew found out later he was not supposed to let certain tables leave the building! We then found out the school was so appreciative of us they passed the word around. We now have another primary school and a Catholic school asking if we can help them! What shall we do?

Men’s Ministry

It often seems the typical men’s discipleship of weekly bible study is a difficult strategy to accomplish here. So we are taking advantage of opportunities where we can. Next week, a number of men said they would join me for BEmen. An annual weekend Men’s conference at a different church in town. They changed it this year to Friday night only! Now I have more men attending with me! God is so great!

In two weeks, #50 men have already signed up for our Men’s BreakFeast to be held in another man’s backyard. Guest speaker is David Glenn from the USA. He is passing thru on his way to Indonesia, India,…From Frustration to Freedom.

Please pray God impacts men’s lives thru these two events. I will seek to provide men next step opportunities after each: Fathering, Husbands, $ Management, Free from habitual sins…