Friday, January 1, 2010

More updates to close out 2009 and begin 2010!

Community Care Seminars

We saw 58 people attend the "Why You Need a Will" Seminar. Many whom I did not know and where from the neighbourhood. The speaker was amazed as he usually has 6-8 people! We are following up on those from the community who are interested in a personal money management help. Which brings us to...

$ Ministry Growth

We are thrilled to have 11 people respond to our goal to begin a Financial Management Ministry. This is in response to a community questionaire we handed out earlier in the year. Our strategy includes 3 sermons, a community seminar, mentorship for personal budgeting, small groups and a ministry for running a Business by the Book. Please pray for God’s point person for this ministry to respond by early January.

Blessings Thru Refugees

God has provided our church family with people from many different countries including Liberians. Lori has become a key point person to help assimilate them into the Australia culture thru meeting basic needs: furniture, clothes, toys, food and most important friendship. Laughter and joy is a regular part of this ministry. Please pray we are sensitive to God’s ways as we mix our lives together for Him.

Going Global

Several months ago, our mission committee ceased & I took the responsibility to redevelop a new mission ministry strategy for our church family. The aim is to involve our lives to reach the Unreached, remember the Persecuted, and assist in reaping the Responsive. National pastors, church planting, short term teams and university ministries are key elements to the proposal. Please pray our leaders are unified in our global vision to bring God glory & we are able to move forward in late January with the plans.

3 x 3 Basketball Outreach

January 23rd will be our third tournament. We now have unchurched people volunteering to help us run the event & outside groups wanting to sponsor the community event. We will also support a local basket ball league with some of the profits. What? The church giving money away to a non Christian program? Please pray for Blair (our church Chaplain) as he leads the way for us in this community outreach, the gospel seed is planted as we have more unchurched people attend than churched.

Personal Evangelism

Praise the Lord we completed training of a 2nd group of people in XEE (personal evangelism). We are now looking into equipping all responsive people through small groups. We will see what happens in the months ahead.

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