Friday, January 1, 2010

Our Auntie Bev

Auntie Bev (Bev Lunt) is very near and dear to our hearts as she is the one who found our rental property for us before we arrived in AU and took us under her wings when we arrived. She has also been adopted by our family as a surrogate “Auntie/Grandma” to us. We love her and are sadden to learn she has terminal cancer. She had bowel cancer a year ago and this past August we thought she was cancer free. Well, in Nov, she was told her cancer came back into her liver. The cancer is in 75% of her liver and is terminal. It is very progressive and the prognosis is 2-3 months but she is doing chemo to extend her time maybe another 3-6 more. She is at peace with the idea of meeting Jesus sooner than she anticipated. She is cleaning “house” and spending precious time with family and friends. Please remember her in your prayers and our family as the children do not know yet about Auntie Bev’s illness. Here is a photo of our Auntie Bev…isn't she precious?!

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